
Upcoming Events

LTI Student Community Drop-In at LSRC at Latinx Student Resource Center to chat with Director of LTI Liliana Iglesias, on the following Thursdays from 11:10am to 12:30pm October 10, October 24, November 7, November 21, December 5

Latinx Thriving Initiatives Student Community Drop-In at LSRC

Do you have questions about LTI and want to learn more? Come by the Latinx Student Resource Center to chat with the director of LTI on the following Thursdays from 11:10am to 12:30pm:
  • October 10
  • October 24
  • November 7
  • November 21
  • December 5
Flyer image description: The background features light green and beige curves with text in bold, black, and gray fonts. At the top, the header reads “LATINX THRIVING INITIATIVES.” Below that is the main title in bold black text: “LTI Student Community Drop-In at LSRC.” The flyer invites students with questions about LTI (Latinx Thriving Initiatives) to drop by the Latinx Student Resource Center (LSRC). On the right side of the flyer is a circular headshot of Liliana Iglesias, the Director of LTI, smiling. Her name and title are written below the image. At the bottom left, the UC Berkeley logo is shown with the words “Berkeley Thriving Initiatives.”

Event Archive

Flyer with event details: LTI student community drop ins for questions and learning more with LTI Director Wednesdays 6 to 7 PM

LTI Community Drop-In

Liliana Iglesias, Director of Thriving for LTI, will be holding weekly drop-in hours for the Latinx community on Wednesdays from 6-7pm via Zoom. Please share with your students!

LTI Spring Gathering Thank You Design

The Latinx Thriving Initiatives (LTI) Spring Gathering at UC Berkeley's Anna Head Alumnae Hall was a packed event, fostering community and brilliance. Vice Chancellor Dania Matos provided updates on LTI initiatives, including the Latinx & Democracy Faculty Cluster and Implementation Workgroups. Dr. Gina Ann Garcia discussed her book "Transforming Hispanic-Serving Institutions for Equity and Justice," followed by a panel discussion featuring prominent figures addressing institutional transformation and Latinx community growth. 

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UC Berkeley Fall 2021 Hispanic Serving Institution Town Hall
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UC Berkeley's Spring 2022 Latinx Thriving Initiative Virtual Town Hall