Background and Progress
In the fall of 2018, Chancellor Christ announced that UC Berkeley would begin the process of becoming a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). One of the boldest goals in the campus’ strategic plan, the university seeks to become a HSI by 2027, joining five other UC campuses with that distinction. In June 2019, Chancellor Christ established a HSI Task Force charged with developing a blueprint establishing UC Berkeley as a HSI. In December 2020, the HSI Task Force Report was presented to Chancellor Christ.
When the report was being put together, the HSI Task Force realized achieving HSI designation was one piece to achieve but not the end goal. Becoming a campus that was able to serve the Latinx community—undergraduate and graduate students, staff, and faculty—was what we wanted to strive for. Hence, the HSI initiative became the Latinx Thriving Initiatives.
Looking Ahead: Fall 2024
- Dr. Gina A. Garcia begins the role of LTI Faculty Director (25%)
- LTI Student Fellows (2 undergraduates, 1 graduate student) join LTI team
- LTI Student Advisory Committee is launched
- Continue to engage with students, staff, and faculty about LTI and how we can collectively move the work forward
Spring 2024
- Increased engagement with students, staff, and faculty about LTI and how we can collectively move the work forward
- Collaboration with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions on yield strategies (recruitment of Latinx students)
- Chicanx/Latinx Standing Committee is deemed an LTI Advisory Body
Fall 2023
- Dr. Gina A. Garcia begins her role as Professor at the Berkeley School of Education
- Collaboration of programs (including CLSD & LSRC) and STEM student organizations for the Screening of “A Million Miles Away” based on the life of Jose Hernandez (UC Regent + Astronaut)
- A vision of more cohesion between Thriving Initiatives is established
- Search for Directors of Thriving begins for Latinx, African American, and Native American Thriving Initiatives
Spring 2023
- is now
- E&I leadership begin meeting regularly with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions
- Liliana Iglesias appointed Interim LTI Implementation Director
- Implementation Committee Co-chairs work to identify members of the Implementation Committee
- First In-person event: Spring LTI Gathering: Book Signing & Panel w/ Dr. Gina Ann Garcia with over 200 students, staff, and faculty present
- Socialization & Presentations to L&S Division of Undergraduate Education & Office of Undergraduate Advising
Fall 2022
- Steering Committee begins bi-monthly meetings - data, recommendation prioritization.
- 12 recommendations are passed on to Implementation Committee Co-Chairs
- LTI Town hall focused on Latinx-centered research and examples of multi-generational models that connect scholarship to Latinx student success and well-being
- Implementation Committee Co-Chairs are identified
- Socialization & Presentations to Cabinet and College Deans
- Inauguration of Latinx Student Resource Center
- Departure of LTI Implementation Manager, Silvia Marquez
- The hiring of the “Latinx and Democracy” Faculty Cluster
Spring 2022
- Steering Committee Members selected
- Silvia Marquez, HSI Implementation Manager increased to 80%
- Chancellor’s Office commits Martha Chavez to the LTI @ 40%
- Joined Excelencia's Presidents for Latino Student Success in the Excelencia in Action network
- Establishing the role of campus partners: BRDO, UDAR, Division of SA, OPA, OUA, EVCP
- Steering Committee announced
- Join national HSI leaders at the AHSIE Conference
- Steering Committee begins bi-monthly meetings - data, recommendation prioritization
- LTI Town Hall focused on the past, present, and future of LTI efforts
- Events: New student welcome events, Excelencia in Education affiliate membership orientation
- Partnered with the Latinx Research Center in the HSI Solidarity Retreat
- UDAR-SED-LTI development plan in strategy discussions
Summer to Fall 2021
- Silvia Marquez appointed as HSI Implementation Manager - 50%
- New Vice Chancellor of Equity & Inclusion: Dania Matos, J.D.
- Chancellor adopts phased approach endorsing Task Force recommendations
- HSI website launched:
- Inaugural LTI Town Hall
- Steering Committee Nominations solicited
- Power In Community Day yield planning begins to highlight Latinx community resources
Spring 2020
- Continued engaging stakeholders, focus groups, listening sessions, peer institution interviews
- HSI Task Force Report Presented to Chancellor
- COVID-19
- HSI Task Force prioritized preliminary recommendations in light of COVID-19
- Berkeley becomes an emerging HSI
Fall 2020
- HSI Task Force Report released for public comment and finalized
Fall 2019
- HSI Task Force Launched
- Workgroups established and participated in the UC Santa Cruz HSI Showcase
- Started to engage stakeholders, focus groups, listening sessions, peer institution interviews
Fall 2018
- UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ sets the goal for UC Berkeley to become an HSI by 2027
- UC Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Initiative is launched